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Courses & Seminars







Courses and Seminars at Summers Ministries provide participants with high-quality education and training in multiple arenas. Students will receive some of the best training and equipping from a Kingdom perspective rather than from a traditional or religious cultural view. 


Our visionary objective is “To be a premier equipping platform that equips, empowers and mobilizes individuals, married couples, families, networks and organizations so they can prosper in relationships, in the marketplace and the workplace.”

Through our online training portal, we leverage the internet and use cutting-edge technology to bring our professionally designed courses to individuals from around the globe.


Our seminars focus on delivering strategies, keys and creative concepts that  will enable participants to excel in life. Whether it's learning quality life application skills, wealth building and personal finance concepts or marriage matters, there's something that will transform you and develop you into that person you desire to be.  

Seminars are designed in a classroom style and participants will actively engage in break out sessions and live hands-on demonstrations. 

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