Course Catalog

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Deliverance 101
Course 1 of the "Deliverance in the 21st Century Curriculum"
Classes will focus on the importance of Deliverance ministry in the life of a believer and leader. Presented from a Kingdom perspective, students will obtain a solid foundation in Deliverance, Healing & Wholeness.
Classes include:
Class 1 What is Deliverance
Class 2 When, When, Why & How of Deliverance
Class 3 Common Misconceptions of Deliverance
Class 4 Demon Origins
Class 5 Gates and Openings
Class 6 Jesus the Deliverer'

Deliverance 401
Course 4 of the Deliverance Training Curriculum
“The Spirit of Jezebel”
Course will focus on the correlation between the spirit of Jezebel and Narcissistic Personality Disorder. . Students will obtain a solid foundation in Deliverance, Healing & Wholeness, and various tactics used by those operating in this insidious spirit.
Classes include:
Class 1 – History of Jezebel
Class 2 – Prey & Collaborators
Class 3 – Jezebel and Narcissism
Class 4 – Narcissism and Gaslighting
Bonus Class - Special Guest Testimony
Class 5 – Opposing the Spirit of Jezebel
Class 6 – Vengeance and Post-Departure
Deliverance 201
Course 2 of the "Deliverance in the 21st Century Curriculum"
Course will focus on the importance of Deliverance ministry in the life of a believer and leader. Presented from a Kingdom perspective. Students will obtain a solid foundation in Deliverance, Healing & Wholeness.
Classes include:
Class 1 - Identifying Demons
Class 2 - Strongholds vs. Strongman
Class 3 - Spiritual Warfare
Class 4 - Split Identity Disorder/Arrested Development
Class 5 - Passive Demons
Class 6 - Aggressive Demons

Deliverance 301
Course 3 of the "Deliverance in the 21st Century Curriculum"
Course will focus on the importance of Deliverance ministry in the life of a believer and leader. It is presented from a Kingdom perspective. Students will obtain a solid foundation in Deliverance, Healing & Wholeness.
Classes include:
Class 1 - Witchcraft Operations
Class 2 - Witchcraft in Relationships
Class 3 - Signs & Symptions of Witchcraft
Class 4 - Exposing Prophetic Witchcraft
Class 5 - Understanding Curses I
Class 6 - Understanding Curses II
Strategies for Financial Increase
This course provides information and tools to create a culture of wealth in your life. Students will become well informed of the various tactics and strategies they can implement to bring increase into their life.
This course is sure to empower, motivate and activate the creative component that individuals have to think outside the box and use the conventional and non-conventional applications to generate wealth.
Classes include:
Class 1 – Understanding Wealth
Class 2 – Money Management
Class 3 – Credit Scores, Repair & Mgt
Class 4 – Tax Strategies
Class 5 - Savings & Small Business
Class 6 – Investing in Real Estate
Class 7 – The Stock Market